
Yeah, ha! I mean, big werdz are for the men folk, right? Taylor ain’t been out the kit’chun but for a sprig. Puttin’ on shoes n’ all. Ask me and I think her whole “girl pretendin’ intelligence” charade is jus’ a means to gettin r women-folk thankin’: t’aint good!

“In the real world consensual sex is a blatant endorsement for HIV... In the real world cookbooks are a blatant endorsement of obesity... In the real world non sequiturs are a blatant endorsement of reality.”

Here's the only way I see this series reaching completion prior to HBO completely spoiling my 20+ years of devoted—agonizing—reading: George R.R. Martin dies and Brandon Sanderson takes over; he finishes the final 2 books (in an incredibly satisfactory manner) in a year and a half.