I like her to a certain extent as a personality that stands for many of the same things that I stand for. But I CANNOT watch her show. It’s the tv-equivalent of click bait.
I like her to a certain extent as a personality that stands for many of the same things that I stand for. But I CANNOT watch her show. It’s the tv-equivalent of click bait.
That Greatest Generation sure were a bunch of rape-happy, racist motherfuckers, eh? And I have no clue what in the name of Jesus Slaphappy Christ Rachel Maddow and Maria Shriver are thinking. Man, fuck them and their white feminism. Like we haven’t seen this bullshit play itself out in real live motion 60000 times in…
And ‘you’re complicit! Every body gets to be complicit!’
What the fuck are you on about? Women’s rights? Being pro-choice is the ONLY essential position to hold if one want’s to be consider pro-women’s-rights. I am getting a strong whiff of FancyBear off of you.
Is he a father of daughters or was he at the time? I understand that — in spite of the evidence of all of human history — fathering daughters turns dudes into Aware Feminist Gentlemen.
Actually, you should be proud of that. :) You didn’t humiliate nor beat your child.
The thing is, if I don’t like the way my kid acts, it’s my job to consider a bunch of things, like did I put her in a position or situation that she shouldn’t be expected to handle or is developmentally inappropriate? Have I pointed out how her behavior affects other people? Have I modeled good behavior myself? If I…
What now about Hilaria and Jeff Goldblum?
You are correct. Every moment spent talking about Alec Baldwin just using the wrong words to express a good sentiment is a moment not spent talking about the people with evil intentions who have done evil things.
Wait, what about Jeff and Hilaria?
I don’t buy it. He reads the papers. He saw the report of Ms. Battilana, who wore a wire to trap Weinstein, and the countless others. This is the sad truth of some progressive men. They can only talk in generalities about oppression of women, they slip up when it’s a real woman. That’s when you see their platitudes…
Alec knowing and not saying anything delayed justice. Sit the fuck down, Alec.
Honestly, I’d prefer that men like him keep talking so we all can see what’s what.
He has shut up. He is trying. Hopefully he will do better next time.
Rose McGowan wanted to prosecute Weinstein, but a lawyer told her that because she had done nudity in a film she would never win. You have to keep in mind Weinstein raped Rose McGowan in 1995 or 1996. She spent some of that $100,000 on therapy and the rest went to the East Los Angeles Women’s Center. Alec Baldwin…
Alec Baldwin has a pathological history of abusive behavior where the automatic “go to” is to insult, demean and blame the victim. This allows abusive people to continue their abusive behavior without shame, remorse, guilt or accountability.
I get where you’re coming from; let’s continue with this:
Work in a real office.