
Would have been funnier if the weight on the scale read 420.

The center duo has my mind reeling with movie ideas. So...Kahn and Lando walk into a bar...LOL.

I thought Michael Giacchino would have been the go-to composer for Star Wars, but his score for Rouge One was so flat. I usually love everything he does but the Rouge One score was really disappointing for me.

Some Last Jedi plot points that were really stupid are:

Michael Bay will ruin this movie. It will be big, loud and stupid. It will have a nice opening weekend and then no one will care about it. DC will have another superhero movie that no will give two s**ts about. Get serious DC! If you don’t care about your characters why should anyone else?

I’m sure Lando was there for that right? Right!?

Bruce Timm & Co. need to be put in charge of the DCU live-action universe. They know how to write and tell a good story. They know and love the characters. Why are Warner Bros’s execs so blind? The solution to making good DC movies right in front of them.

Dan Cummins “Rick”That picture of a grizzly catching a salmon is nothing. I know a guy, who knows a guy that caught 60 salmon in an hour! Video proof, in the link.

Can WB/DC just get their shit together? Focus on Story and character and the action and spectacle will follow, not the other way around. I love the DC Universe and so desperately want them to just make an awesome movie!

It’s was the marketing. Only the fans of the 20+ year old, original movie had a clue about what they were going to see. No one else got a clue. Just a few scenes of Ryan and Harrison in some building in a sandstorm. You gotta inform your new potential audience about what they’re paying $20 to go see. Entice them!

What? No dimmer switches? Just dim the lights...light pollution problem solved and your welcome. : )