Jalopnik PSA.
Honestly, that looks like a pretty awful downhill course. Ride down the escalator, then slam on the brakes so you can make the super-tight slippery turn. Rinse and repeat.
"Reminds you"
Is it possible to reverse one of the motors so they oppose each other and do an epic 4-wheel burnout? If not, why not?
"Productivity tricks" seems an odd label for these cognitive, intellectual, and perspective building philosophies.
what a dick!
BMW owners have a long history of driving lies. How many times did someone swap out his 318 badges for M3 kit instead? No matter that the car was still a dog under the hood. That's the beauty of the fact that this company is at the forefront of faked-sound technology.
P.S. On a side note, this headline says ``SomeONE…
Man, I bought my daughters a Frozen Jeep Wrangler (which is the exact same truck as this but with slightly different panels and stickers) and it just proves that men are indeed better drivers.
Whoawhoawhoa. We're skipping over an important revelation here:
http://youtu.be/sA9Kato1CxAI'm not going to lie, my hands start to sweat whenever I get into bad turbulence. The only thing that calms me down is to remember that it seems way worse than it actually is and to remember this video of wing stess tests on the 7y7. To say these planes are over engineered to handle these…
Are you a paid anti-Tesla troll? Seriously, you're in every single thread about Tesla on this site, making oversimplified comparisons (usually valuation comparisons to Ford). Please stop.
The electric Hellcat?
Bottom Line: The Model T is a fast, comfortable and technologically brilliant luxury sedan, but numerous problems with its explosion engine, tires and drivetrain make it hard to recommend.