

it’s Jezebel, you don’t need an explict reason to hate white people, it’s just part of the general vibe

if a man doesn’t describe himself as a feminist = HE’S AN ASSHOLE

Did you eat paint chips as a child, or does your hysteria just prevent you from rudimentary reasoning skills? I NEVER SAID SHE WAS LYING. I NEVER SAID I DIDN’T BELIEVE HER. I just pointed out that having been accused of a crime is NOT THE FUCKING SAME as being guilty of that crime.

I’m not a MRA, but you’re apparently a fucking idiot, if you think that being accused of a crime is enough to be deemed guilty of that crime. I guess all those poor black people falsely accused of crimes were all guilty too?

LOL so we shouldn’t judge a woman for having rape fantasies but we should judge a man for having rape fantasies? You can’t be fucking serious.

just say what you mean: it’s feminist and empowering for women to have rape fantasizes but creepy and problematic for men to have rape fantasizes

This makes no logical sense. When people FANTASIZE about something they obviously are selective about what aspects of it they fantasize about, emphasizing some and deemphasizing others. That’s like saying “no one fantasizes about being a celebrity, because no one fantasizes about having their privacy invaded by

You didn’t “learn he’s a rapist.” You learned that someone accused him of rape.

“kink-shaming is not ok,” which is why we can’t judge actual rapists and pedos, right? It’s just their kink ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Exactly, nothing to do with sex, it’s about power and control. It’s literally no different than an armed robbery (except for the fucking and cumming)

it’s cute that MIA is still trying to be a thing in 2015 :)

did you just seriously refer to your own coverage as “beautiful”?

movie sucks bro

so it literally has to be the most overrated piece of shit action movie in history?

Is there anything more annoying than the fact that you number your paragraphs, as if someone was going to cite your work?

If you think Greg Howard is one of “the more thoughtful, provocative voices on police violence,” you really don’t read many voices on police violence.

When a 16 year old American posts an insensitive comment on Twitter = “16 years old is enough to know what’s right and wrong, we should ruin their life for being a horrible racist”

Yeah, all the other students in the district should have their lives ruined just because someone was mean to this one kid. Idiot.

how the hell was rich and famous millionaire actor Benedict Cumberbatch “attainable”?