
Shelter Catstravaganza!

I’m so happy we have SNS this week because I wanted to thank all the SNS contributors who helped encourage me to get married in a hurry. I guess it was four weeks ago that I posted saying that my boyfriend of 10 years and I were thinking of finally getting married while my father, who is declining rapidly from late

Except that Chicago *ISN’T* broke! It has $800 million dollars in the TIF accounts, which have been siphoned off of property taxes (which go to pay for education) and directed towards developers and private corporations. They have enough money to pay $90 million for a police training facility, $30 million to put more

Made this account purely to participate because I have a recent weird experience. This story is from about two months ago. I have no clear explanation for what the hell happened and it took me three attempts to work myself up to remembering it in enough detail to write it down. Here goes.

Two years ago, I got severely, awfully sick (probably the flu). I didn’t go to work for the entire week. It was all I could do just to keep myself drinking liquids and soup and shuffling to bed. The worst part was my husband was traveling for business, so I was all alone, just me and our sweet black cat Libby.

I saw him once, and thought he was just some average-looking random guy. Then he smiled at me (ok, at my dog, and then looked up at me while still smiling) and reader, he was angelically beautiful. I was stunned. It was only afterwards that I realized it was the kid from Twilight.

Ditto on both. I’ll take Guy Pearce (any version, but def the Priscilla-aged one) any time, but I also completely appreciate the guy who needs a better angle or second look. 

Robert Pattison is one of those people who you sometimes think, “Why is he considered so attractive?” (see header pic) and then you see other pictures and think, “Have him washed and bring him to my chambers immediately.” I feel the same way about Pete Davidson, but mine is probably a minority opinion.

I’ve heard her on some podcasts, it sounds like she knew enough.  And she admits she was pretty awful to Macauley Culkin.  I got the sense that she and Ashton were both ashamed of how they had treated people in their lives and bonded over their desire to grow up and be better people.  I am in a similar situation in my

There’s definitely a performative aspect here. It’s pretty over the top. So much so that when I googled Carter, only photos of her with Cyrus come up. There’s quite a variety of outfits for a couple who’s only been together for a handful of weeks.

“Look at me, I’m kissing a girl! Again! Only for really reals! Please! Look here and acknowledge!”

Snoresville....welcome to the 1990's. It’s Madonna-itis Redux.

Exactly. I keep saying, there’s a protocol for rich people to get their kids into school. Everybody knows the protocol. Follow the protocol.

I mean, she fully committed to the lie, meaning she had to coax her kids to participate in sham photo shoots and whatnot, which seems like a lot more trouble than simply scratching off a check and having a few meetings with administrators to help build a facility for students or even just give a little something for

There’s no genetic or evolutionary reason for boys to prefer cars (which didn’t exist until maybe a century or so ago). Your son - like many children - likes cars because they’re an object he sees a lot in his world that he’s trying to figure out, and they make an interesting noise. And, of course, he lives in a

I’ve noticed that when it comes to social media, women seem to feel the need to label and categorise themselves, at least more than I’ve seen men do it. Not just mothers, but groups of women friends too, whether it’s hashtags around brunch and rosé and their “squad” and the like, and I know several friends who came up

YES. And I guarantee that every #boymom who says “well, my son has lots of energy/likes playing with toy trucks/makes fart jokes” because he’s a boy also uses that justification to excuse behavior that ranges from totally normal for a child that age (meltdowns and tantrums happen), to totally abnormal but justifiable,

I also get cringey when I see a fellow #boymom (gross) taking her 5 year old son out for dinner and is like “Date night with Aiden!” Um, it’s not a date night. It’s you and your son out to dinner. WTF. 

Just my childless teacher 2 cents, so take with a grain of salt. If you (as a woman) define your life as a #boymom, it makes my life as said boy's teacher a bit difficult.  These boys, as middle schoolers, are very emotional that their teacher doesn't adore them with the intensity of their mom.  I genuinely like most

So I worked in a preschool and something the 2 year old classroom used to deal with was moms referring to favorite teachers as their 2 year old son’s “girlfriend”. Like “oh there’s your girlfriend” jokes about crushes etc. My theory was that this was how they made their insecurity at having their baby’s love for

My Mom had all girls and “boy moms” used to annoy her so much. They all seemed to assume that being loud, messy, and roughhousing was something only boys did. She would frequently point out that my sisters and I did all of those things (especially the story where my middle sister and I were fighting and fell onto the