
Day drinking will do this to you. 

Yes. In retrospect, embarrassing. But at the time I was horny and had nowhere else. 

Another one: I was in Ireland and hooked up with a hit dude. The next morning I went downstairs to tea and pastry served by his nan. I canned out of there ASAP. 

Sooooo. Weirdest thing I saw and ignored: used tissues collected behind a nightstand. Second place: a surprise penis piercing. Y’all need to warn a person before dropping trow. 

So isn’t that assault? Or because she is a rich while woman it doesn’t count? Please explain. 

I will watch this. 

Saw him in the parade today. I’m not surprised that he is taking this stance and am proud that he did. 

Wait so did the twins eat dinner twice? Living their best lives, indeed. 

How was the Sarah MacLean?? I can’t wait for it to come out. 

Yep! My kids were champ eaters when they were small. Now they are old enough to be jerks about food. 

Oh geez. I knew some of these guys when I was in college. Older, sensitive, slightly effeminate guy who just wants to read poetry/drink coffee/play chess/play his music for you/sleep next to you/just make out a little at your dorm room or the room he rents in a “collective” that has a twin mattress on the floor.

Great. So Kim is using her powers to get some poor schmo fired. You would think she would have better ways to occupy her time. Punch up, not down. 

What a bitch ass, petty thing to do. People need to mind themselves. 

All I want is someone to order delivery, take my kids to the park and let me nap. Maybe send me to happy hour so I don’t have to do the Sunday night Monday morning prep. 

Went to see Queens of the Stone Age at Stubbs indoor. My friend and I were right in front of the bass player all night dancing, drinking and loving life. They came back for their encore and the bass player was nude. So we gleefully stared at his dick for the rest of the show. Mind you, the stage here was only about

I dunno, Aunt Becky. I would have figured out maybe it was illegal and wrong somewhere around the time I had my kid take fake crew pictures. That should have been a wake up moment. And I will never believe that the kid didn’t know what was going on. 

I loved that movie. I cried a little. 

Another thing that’s great to do alone: movies! No one to try and share popcorn. No one trying to talk to you. It’s great. 

So comments the weirdo with some strange ax to grind on the “faux feminist website”. Why are you here. 

I have never and will never be a YouTube follower. I have nothing but disgust for these people.