
Or possibly the Tednugenti or Kidrockawa.

I see no difference between this and a slugger starting down a bp coach and flexing after taking him yard.

One time I pranked a shut in. I replaced all her appliances, which is harder than you think, but if you dig a tunnel under the basement you can build a trap door right under the washing machine big enough to get a refrigerator in and out of the place. The replacement had the hinges on the opposite side from the

I don’t know, the official police report that she posted seems pretty conclusive.

“I mean look what happened to Aaron when his off-field work went public. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct.”

If you could drive the area where I work, you’d see a sea of these workers.....working in 100 degree temps. They go home, shower, eat & repeat....all for scraps. I’m heartbroken, utterly heartbroken....there is no way to express the pain I feel. This very well could have been me & my dad...he was here illegally. He

Lol right? We in Mexico feel for those in Chicago, E. St.Louis, Detroit, Flint, various small towns in Ohio, various wards in Houston, Florida, etc.

Could be the opening scene of his own personal Falling Down.

Should’ve made them in Mexico, we don’t complain at work, we just bust ass! Even if it’s for a tiny paycheck. Lol modern American workforce :]

To follow suit, the Mets announced it is Bill Buckner Day, a day to sit back, relax, and celebrate the balls between our legs.

Cardinals fans want you to know they’d never do that to one of their own. Then they’d probably talk about how Alou got pretty uppity about the whole thing.

during the height of the War on Terror.

A team of neurologists and surgeons told my wife’s parents that her head injuries from a car wreck were so severe she would never be able to look after herself again, never be able to walk more than a few paces.

Also not a good look: saying shit like “sob like a woman.”

Sources say the officers who bungled the investigation were motivated to do the right thing after watching Bruce Almighty on DVD and being stirred by the wise, compassionate portrayal of God by Samuel L. Jackson.

From the news article:

Or they could you know, just remove the trip and bludgeon hazards for a fraction of the cost.

“just in case you don’t read our sign about not running on the pool deck, we’ve ringed it with punji sticks to illustrate how serious we are”

It’s called “testing for cocaine”

You can’t /endthread your own comment. that’s as bad as liking your own facebook post.