
Yes, they can accelerate hard, but no Odyssey driver would ever do that, or even want to do that given that this is what happens when the accelerator pedal is floored:

Being a sane conservative is pretty difficult at this point actually, because of how loaded the term “conservative” is nowadays. I’m conservative in that I believe in personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, and minimal government intrusion. I’m not religious or against any group of people. I’m fine with

“I, I’m afraid you’ll — you’re saying you arrested a UFC fighter but did not arrest television’s Mr. Rogers of ‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood’? Explain that to me because I’m not sure I understand. I’m troubled by this. You say it’s a big deal? Wasn’t Mr. Rogers a big deal? I’m....what’s the word for when you’re confused?”

May he ride eternal, shiny and chrome.

I tell ya...

So many good beers from Belgium, and the world embraces Stella....

This took me entirely too long to make.

Common amoxicillin side effects may include:

That’s a giant bottle of amoxicillin. #6yearsofpharmacyschool

Spagnuolo later apologized if anyone was offended but his personal animosity toward fat people was because his father had spent years of his life fighting the morbidly obese.

Do we know where David Tracy is right now?

True, and I shouldn’t presume you are speaking to me directly when you are replying to me in an internet thread. Mea Culpa.

You’d think a guy named FurryBear would fall on the side of the ‘Bears’, but guess its not a reference to either the furry or bear community but a self description for a different community.

He looks like Eminem if Eminem was stunt-casted in a Scorsese film as a 55-year old.

My M8 sounds like that after a few beers and I goad him into making race cars noises for the amusement of my fellow beer swilling patrons.

American guy with a German last name holding a grudge about WWII. That is some epic lack of self-awareness, right there.

My grandfather lost his brother in the second world war, refused to buy anything made in Japan for the rest of his life. I inherited his car, it’s a piece of shit Buick that he bought primarily because it wasn’t manufactured in Japan. Yet what happens when his eldest grandson grows up? He marries a Japanese American

Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.

I would say Mommy is just as creepy, but very differently creepy. Calling your sex partner “Mommy” suggests you’re going to murder someone while wearing a clown suit; calling your sex partner “Mother” suggests you’re going to murder someone while wearing a Brooks Brothers suit. But you are correct that Mike Pence is

and as someone who has also done both and competed at a high level in wrestling, I’m aware of how they feel different. As someone in the medical field, that doesn’t put you in a position to factually tell people the long-term effects of MMA blows either on their own or vs other sports - because again, we don’t know