
“That’s not true.”

Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?

Chuck Todd needs to explain to Seth Meyers how real journalism works. I mean, the very idea of putting a Republican operative on the spot like that, and asking, you know, real questions, and then asking follow ups, and not letting the operative get away with saying whatever Frank Luntz bumper-sticker happens to roll

Mike Pence is furiously masturbating.

I was the reason flight was delayed twice and eventually canceled.

I flew with Jet Blue this weekend. My flight was delayed twice and then canceled. I started a revolution by booking another Jet Blue flight that cost $1500 more and was first class. Jet Blue refunded me the difference and provided me $50 credit for my trouble.

I’m always amused at people who get all jacked up about some inconvenience on a plane. You’re flying across the continent at 500 mph with wifi and your own TV to watch for a dirt cheap price compared to just a couple decades ago, and you complain? What the hell is wrong with you?


I’m sorry. I thought this was AMERICA!

....its real and in testing. Cant say much more. Not supoosed to be know about and they wont let it out of the building where theyre testing in. (Powertrain supplier)

Mercedes INVENTED THE CAR!!! Ford copied Mercedes!

Does it come in white?

Reminder: for all of you that have That One Guy/Uncle/Cousin/Co-Worker on Facebook who likes to badger you with those false-flag articles about the new Bronco (aka pretty much all of us)...

Get with the times, this is Trump’s America now.

Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated yet, and already the peasantry is being forced to entertain the plutocracy in order to obtain their very sustenance.

You can always tell where on its lifespan a fad, like a dance, is at by when some white kid from a place like Milwaukee does it unironically.

I haven’t seen a performer meltdown like this since...

Nothing says hip hop dance off, like three white kids from Milwaukee.