
I think this video shows that the election of Donald Trump has ushered in a new kinder, gentler society, as evidenced by the fact that this man was not curb-stomped once he was knocked to the ground.

His presidency should come with a spanking brand new Lincoln Continental Convertible!

Yes, what a dumb and stupid thing to do. Relatedly, when my fingers bleed from typing too many comments, I always dip them into Dr. Alabaster’s FishMud Finger Remedy - the natural way to keep the bones inside your skin...where it belongs! If I don’t use Dr. Alabaster’s FishMud Finger Remedy after typing a scorching

Here was the .54 car:

This isn’t your job. Stand down.

The Miss-Fires are great. What a fun, wonderful group of ladies. Everyone should check them out.

You had a writer on Gawker (Burneko, maybe?) saying that the author’s intent can be totally ignored in favor of whatever the reader dreams up. There’s apparently quite a lot of room up one’s own ass.

I recall discussing books in college, where we had to interpret what the author meant - which things were symbolism, examples of allegory, etc. I can’t imagine arguing directly with the author about what they wrote. Author: “I intended the stroller on page 55 to be a representation of the struggles of youth against

Phoenix native here, they would have a very hard time convincing their tribe to go halfsies on a billion dollar stadium that they won’t really make much money off of. Only shitty corrupt politicans fall for bogus stadium deals, I highly doubt the natives would fall for the white man’s hokum again. Major League sports

Calgary! Half the population there has a winter home in Phoenix anyway.

Peter Griffin is just great on color commentary.

As a Philly transplant living in downtown Phoenix, the stadium is fine and it’s within walking distance for me when the Phillies are in town. And I would say that he is mostly correct about saying Fuck Arizona. It’s a beautiful state with a lot of shitty, transplant, old white peoples that try to fuck it up for the

Who would’ve thought the Diamondbacks could be so cold-blooded.

Wrong — they are in the AFC South

That almost made me feel something resembling sympathy for the Diamondbacks’ plight... I mean, what other alternative do you have when West Virginia is staring you in the face?

The renovation plan includes a statue of Curt Schilling outside the stadium, in honor of a great Diamondback and inspiration for fucking over taxpayers.

This is just like when my wife says we need a new dryer, and I think when ours is fine for the time being. And I always know deep down that I’m gonna lose that fight and have to raise $640 million in bonds for a new dryer. Sheesh!

Silly Donny, the ones made outside the US are spelled Cruz.

How do they know where we’re going?!?

Let’s all drive good cars until the robots take our keys away! Then eat our medicine for fuel.