
we all appreciate the insighy as to how such an issue could have occurd.

To be fair, you shouldn’t expect Curt to be 100% mentally there during this interview, what with all the blood coming out of his... whatever.

This may be the dumbest thing I’ve read. And I just read a Jalopnik author condone welded differentials.

The TV show was based on the Soderbergh film? Man, Mike Judge took some muthafuckin’ liberties.

What kind of American would buy a Chevy Cruze when you can have a Camaro for under $20,000?

Yeah, being unprepared for the realities of the new home is enough to kill. But at least it was a habitable place where you didn’t need to carry your own atmosphere, food, and water. Even the most inhospitable parts of the bayou don’t compare with Mars, where the soil itself is contaminated with dangerous levels of

I was really into Blink myself, and then I turned 14.

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

So another semi-literate redneck is actively voting against his own interests.

“My Mercedes was too unreliable so I bought an Audi.”

Some facts for those that are unaware of kitesurfing stuff:

The stick shift proletariat can eat all 8 speeds of my ZF.

Hey, if his friend wants it so easy, he can just have a (probably rapist) coyote smuggle him across the border, live in whatever apartment on the outskirts of town that will take payment in cash without a lease or any questions—oh, one that he can afford with his off the books food service or agricultural job. He’ll


As a fellow parent, this guy should be beaten for almost waking up the baby. The baby should never be disturbed, ever.

Some handling terms explained for SUV/CUV owners:

Is it really a wasteland? No snark, I just imagine it full of techno geek hipsters in hoodies with ironic beards and no social graces.

This is Tavarish, you really expect him to understand what a warranty is?

Turbo RPM has nothing to do with performance.

Higher turbo rpms actually are a negative, You realise that means the turbo is less efficient than a turbo of similar flow at a lower RPM?

Please, please don’t just quote B.S. from the press packet without understanding what it actually means.

My guess is an LS460