
I’d say he’s aged as most people do in nineteen years.

I would think that most people who have their identities stolen don’t know the people who steal them.

Uhhhhh, if you remember correctly the Iraqis didn’t want to fight. They found iut what could happen back in the ‘90s.

+1 foreskin

And in 2005 FSU found out it’s a lot harder to maul hardcore kids in Tucson, AZ...

It will be interesting to see if laws apply to cops now that a black cop has shot an unarmed, rich, white lady...

I rode my ‘73 CL450 around Phoenix on a 120F degree day last year. I thought my legs were on fire at one point. Not much humidity (except when it monsoons) but weeks of 110+ makes it feel like your burning. Sometimes it doesn’t even drop below 90F at night.

It said they targeted cars they knew had gun in them. So vehicles with Molon Labe, Gadsden flag, Magpul and bars n stars decals on them.

Here’s my Jeep sitting at Lee’s Ferry. Land stolen and raped by Americans. Happy 4th!

That’s because half the city is covered in nuclear fallout. The mosquitos know to stay away.

Are they smoking cigars while drinking Gatorade? Da Fuck?

I’m not some “he-haw go America type”, but just a few years ago that a group of Americans kicked the shit out of a ak-47 toting terrorist on a train in France.

Stella Artoise is considered light beer in Europe.

Old school ambulances were basically hearses.

Jesus fucking christ you sound like such a pussy.

I got the letter for my BMW almost two years ago.


Somebody get that man some probiotics STAT!

Yeah, I don’t think there has ever been a point in Tyson’s life where he was “ok” except when heavily medicated. I once saw him playing with puppies at Scottsdale Fashion Square. It was surreal.

This anectode made me tear up a bit.