
Ford owned Jaguar for a bit, so he may have been making a joke.

You’re right, my bad. This is the old, “just falling to your level of training” excuse. Wait, that’s not an excuse. So they really have no excuse for shooting a kid tending to his goats and then letting him bleed out and die in a well while they looked on.

Not really. Volvo has made fast cars for a while. They make a 400 hp soccer mom SUV for christs’s sake.

The old “just following orders” excuse.

They don’t do the whole tap thing in Japan.

You might want to Google “The Troubles” before you score radical Christian terrorism zero kills in the U.K.

You think their race engines have anything to do with their retail engines? I guess it makes sense that you were a car salesman.

Millennial Red Dawn.

I’m of Russian heritage with an extremely Russian last name.

So what the rich white guy is saying is that American workers need to be treated like Mexican workers, and then we will have more jobs. Hmmmmmm...

I mean, I’d kind of like a job where the consequence for me being a dick might possibly be my coworker getting hit with a hard object travelling at a high rate of speed.

Uhhhh, until WWII? Have you been to the deep South lately?

My kids found my old CD case and started throwing them around. They were shocked whenever I told them there was music on them.

You forgot segregation.

Good luck driving from Europe to the US.

Yeah, they already banned slavery!

I had a wheel fall off a Corvair while driving down a busy street once. I was able to powerslide out of traffic and into the driveway of a Taco Bell. I was partially blocking the entrance to the parking lot, and boy were people pissed. The shithead manager came out and told me I needed to move the car right away.

That’s not how civil suits work, bruh.

“If you will it, it is no dream” doesn’t apply to overtaking another vehicle.

“fundamental to air travel”