
My brother and I filled an air dart gun with the powder detergent when we were kids. That was fun until my brother shot a load of detergent directly in my eye.

I wouldn’t believe anything that guy tells you, especially if it is second hand.

+1 accidental discharge

Now playing

It turns out this guy is an Trump loving anti semite.

Wait, are you saying Baltimore is a first-rate city?

+1 bag of peanuts

Bad credit? I paid $2,400 a year for full coverage on a BMW 335d, a WRX, a ‘91 Loyale, a ‘63 Corvair, and a ‘66 GMC when I was 26 with Geico. I’m 30 now I I pay $2k for full coverage on a BMW X1, an old Honda motorcycle, a ‘66 GMC and a Wrangler.

All the terrible looking tuner Lambos I’ve seen taught me that having money doesn’t mean someone has taste. Our president would be a good example of that.

Give me an example within the last fifty years that proves this point. We live in a democracy, where the military is beholden to people that we elect. To say our wars would go better if we let unelected generals run the show is absurd. First of all, generals are just as much politicians as anyone else in our

Which is exactly why you can’t trust these guys to not let the politicians fuck it up. Also, real leaders don’t blame the other guy who isn’t actually there when it goes tits up.

Yeah, all these strong and sane personalities did a bang up job in Iraq and Afghanistan...

I would recommend Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States”.

He played a fucking football game on the day his child died...

A lot of new cars don’t even come with a full manual. They give you a CD with the Cliff’s Notes.

Sliding through the bag with you spikes high into the baseman is a douchebag move at any level of the sport. I have no idea if it was intentional. He’s either an asshole or an idiot. Since he’s a professional and not a little leaguer, I’m leaning towards asshole.

We have capital punishment, and yet, it still happened!

I’m going to take NK with me when I buy my next car.

My weird fever dream conspiracy from a year ago that Trump was a Clinton plant is seeming less feverish.

Opium production has been steadily increasing in Afghanistan since 2001.

German air-cooled bug you say? A Trojan horse!