
Don’t give Papa John’s any ideas...

If I’m running a machine and start yelling a thing someone about something that has nothing to do with safety or the actual operation of the machine, then I’m a fucking asshole. WORLDWIDE.

That, or splurged for a car and driver and saved even more money.

How about they use their brains and say, you know what, I’m not going to drag a human being off a plane they paid good money to ride on so some corporation can save $150 on a rental car. I know that’s pretty next level stuff, but I think it would have worked out better than what they did.

Some people, like yourself, are okay letting people and corporations walk all over them. Others see such actions as disgusting and dehumanizing, and have enough self respect to not just roll over and take it.

And the founder of Blackwater, XE Services, and Academi is Eric Prince...our Secretary of Education’s brother...

You’d be surprised...

Great idea!

Wait, a motorcyclist you don’t like to read stories over and over again about people both wrecking and being dicks on motorcycles?

I’ve driven through windier dust devils than that.

brand new Jeep is around 3,600 pounds. That bad boy is probably a touch over 2k.

People read books for entertainment?

Why do I need to look to England for that example?

Never said I was friends with them. Simply that I know them.

I know five, they are neo nazis.

Midwest Liberals = WCW fans

I don’t think so. Didn’t a bunch of union members in the Midwest (“liberals”) vote for Trump?

The soap opera crowd is probably equally responsible for electing the orange one.

+1 herp derp. Have another Bud Light, fucko.

People who watch this are the reason the most affluent and powerful nation to ever exist have a reality TV star as president. Congrats, you fucking morons.