
When your truck nuts get elephantiasis.

Somehow I don’t think this guy even passed a high school chemistry class.

You are not wrong. This is a pointless video.

Yeah, if Bill Nye skipped over all the chemistry stuff. The volume of gas entering your engine does not equal the volume of gas leaving your engine.

Well, they like parts of European culture. Parts of European culture that are known for for being racist.

What are the odds they blamed Obama?

They were found guilty of violating Georgia’s Street Gang Act. That’s why the punishment was so strict. I have a sneaky suspicion this act wasn’t intended for this purpose. Judo move, motherfuckers.

No, the writers just have no idea what they’re writing about.

Ahhhh yes, the good old butt dyno. Very scientific.

Ahhh, someone who actually has a clue about how dynos work! Refreshing.

The same Mustang dyno as this one, and tested at the same time?

+1 “DUN, DUN!”

I thought Trump was going to prevent this sort of thing!

Someone’s never owned an FCA/Chrysler product. They don’t either.

actually a really bad place for an intake on a 4x4. 700mm of water isn’t very high.


Right? The plumbers I’ve met make good money.

I work in an Orthodox community and they love this guy. I’m wondering what it’ll take before they realize that the “enemy of my enemy” game doesn’t work so well when you’re a minority community.

You realize due process doesn’t apply at the borders, right?

My eight month-old was randomly selected by the computers in Houston for extra screening once. The border agent asked who Vera was, and when told him she was the sleeping child he made me wake her up and asked me questions about her. These people are morons, and that’s the way our government wants it.