
You’re talking to a guy who decided to rebuild his transmission at night out on his open driveway.

I would like to point out that the Tiananmen Square protests in China mostly just pissed people off and were unsuccessful.

So you want the American workers to be making the same amount of money as the union-less Mexican workers?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an adult driving a decade old WRX. and if I was a cop, I would assume any decade old Subaru had weed in it.

Sure thing, commie.

Maybe because that looks really boring...

Which should make them terrible for rock climbing.

That explains the whole north/south thing that exists in both nations.

You really think they’ll actually sell this car here?

The problem is it looks like they were going after the WRX crowd with this design (which is a good idea since Subaru did away with the WRX hatch). The problem is there is no way Subie people are going to buy a Honda. I like the design, but I’ve owned three Subarus.

I started to read it, and was like, is this fucking guy seriously writing multiple paragraphs about bringing the neon back? Does he even Dodge Dart, bro?

Police departments don’t seem to give a shit if you call them out on stuff.

The Putin bots have a new name now. Trump supporters.

People like you should be forced to take the bus. We will give your car to some 16 year-old kid who’s working a shitty job so he can buy his own car by the time he graduates high school.

King of weird that Jalopnik left a pretty significant detail like that out.

Well, we control things like rockets with computers, so i think they can handle highway speeds fine.

Yeah, I’ve travelled all through Europe like this. Except at three times the speed...in a train.

You hit the nail on the head for society in general. Sterilization is killing all the joy in life.

If I lived somewhere where it took me an hour and a half to drive 12 miles to work, I’d just ride a bike.

I burned out the transmission on my ‘66 GMC a few months ago. If I gave it any gas the truck would stop moving, but if I let it idle it would move forward. I idled it twenty miles home in the middle of the day down one of the busiest streets in one of the five largest cities in the US. It’s a lowered longbed with a