
Went on a 4k mile road trip with my 2 year-old and five year-old last year around the western US. They were given coloring books and stories to keep them busy. After a twelve hour marathon ride from San Diego to San Francisco along the PCH, they can entertain themselves through pretty much anything.

He likes baseball way more than he does Syrian kids, that’s for damn sure.

I was like, shit, I’ll ship my ‘66 GMC to you. For $3,900 and an LS swap I’ll pick it up next year.

+1 oppo

Some poor soul is going to read this, and try to rebuild their trans. They’re going to be very confused when it looks nothing like this one.

Yeah, the transmission on my ‘66 GMC went out. Rebuilt kits were $200. I found an unused Hugh’s Performance rebuilt transmission, new TC, plus a spare SBC 350 with an engine stand for $700. Definitely worth the xtra $500.

There’s a reason Trump is the nominee of one of our two main political parties...

This is a well thought out and reasoned explanation. Waaayyyyyyy over the heads of people screaming about Mexicans “takin ther jerbs”.

I think a lot of Trump supporters would like to bring a lot of things back to how they were in the 1960s....

Trump just won the Republican nomination. There’s no way those lunatics would nominate Reagan nowadays. Reagan gave amnesty to illegal immigrants and supported the Brady Bill after he left office. Clinton is politically closer to Reagan than Trump is.

Is this a counterfeit?

His hotels also employ low wage employees from overseas and his clothing brand is manufactured in China. He is supposedly a free trade conservative who is talking about levying huge tarrifs on American companies that don’t do what he wants. There’s almost no point having a discussion with this guy’s supporters.

I rode an air cooled Honda and drove a ‘66 GMC all summer...in Phoenix...without overheating.These guys are full of shit. What’s concerning is how dumb they think everyone else is. 

It sounds like you’ve forgotten what it means to be a human. That or you might have some OCD issues which are causing you anxiety when you’re outdoors.

Technically, tuning your car is a violation of the Clean Air Act. Good luck suing a manufacturer for warranty coverage after tuning your car.

When Inwas younger Inused to build houses in these little villages in northern Mexico. They would have to splice lines off the main power lines if they wanted electricity, and would have to pay a water truck to fill a giant tub of water if they wanted water. Meanwhile a half hour down the street there was a five

You wouldn’t want to attempt treeing a Grizzley or a large brown bear. They wouldn’t get scared by a dog. Notice how that bear kept coming back? And you still need a large caliber rifle to kill the bear.

I don’t think most people understand how powerful and badass bears are. Unless that dog knows how to fire a 30-06, he’d be bear food.

+1 hhhhhhhoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

Is the dog’s job to get eaten by a bear?