
It's a bobcat.

For real? Because it only takes 10-15 seconds to get someone to pass out with a solid choke hold

And 111F would be on the cooler side of a summer day. We had a 119er this summer. That was fun!

Mostly just the murder them option.

You just reiterated the man made global warming argument in your last paragraph. What man can do in a matter of an instant will take the earth millions of years to undo. It’s not about whether or not the earth can heal itself, it's that the rate of destruction is so quick that we only be able to adapt quick enough. We

The upside is that humans have lived longer without farming than with it, and farming is what led to the development of civilization, and eventually industrialization (the root cause of man made global warming). We could just be helping Mother Earth with a rapid correction. The brightest flame burns quickest.

Yeah, wtf is that? If you look near the bottom of the screen near the 1:09 mark there is another one. Something flies in and either bounces off the rocket or one of the nearby towers.

Join the club, fellow grey, COTD veteran.

Why would you want to be in front of a giant SUV being piloted by someone who isn’t paying attention?

I think that’s exactly what they’re looking for. Clicksplitter

It’s shitty in a Disneyland way, not in a Mad Max way.

And that’s why I drive my kids around in coupes.

Notice how no one else is eating with him? Reaching out and showing compassion to those perceived as weaker than us isn’t basic. If it was, we’d have a lot less problems in the world.

Falconry trip? No. A Qatari Lambo owner is more likely to take his car on a falconry trip than any of the trophy wives or athletes that own these things. I see a white one of these at my wife’s favorite coffee shop all the time. It’s driven by a very blonde woman who probably doesn’t know what a falcon is. I would

You’re right, a twenty year-old S Class leaves no doubt.

Yeah, such a nice price that it failed to sell for thousands less several times...

What the video doesn’t show is the engine rebuild required after that run.

The brakes were faulty, but not at fault for the crash. So, if the truck driver wasn’t drunk/asleep, then the faulty brakes would have been at fault?

“many people of color have also died for that symbol”

When the tumbler took a shit on my ‘66 GMC, it took me two minutes and a couple paperclips to fire her up.