
I hot wired my truck using two paper clips when my ignition tumbler took a shit. It's very easy. You just jump the fuel pump and the starter at the same time.

I’ve drank tap in Mexico. Not a big deal. I’d drink tap in quite a few Mexican cities before drinking tap water in Flint, MI, that’s for sure.

When EMS is a drunk Russian in a T shirt and jeans, you're going to have a bad day.

That’s the part that does raise awareness, because mentally disturbed individuals actually are released from hospitals because we have terrible mental health services in the US.

I know some people who would pay a lot of money to have a super model pee on them in a subway.

I'm in the greys, but crap posters like this aren't? What has Jalopnik come to?


Stay woke.

This alley is in the middle of a meth neighborhood too. It’s right around the corner from where that lady in the red Mustang ran over that guy on the bike for giving her AIDS. There’s also some cult church from Guadalajara right on that corner. A serial killer who drove around in a Crown Vic with “zombie hunter” stuff

I’m genuinely surprised none of the older Kias are on there. My wife had a Rio in college. Hateful little car. Not surprised by the Arcadia. My in laws threw a rod on their at like 50k miles.

Not cars, but custom, hand built bikes.

Yuppies are what hipsters would be today if they had jobs and didn't live with their parents.

I’m waiting for the internet shitstorm that will arise when FCA inevitably makes a unibody Wrangler.

Except that pics of the car have been posted up all over the Internet, so I doubt an isuranve company will pay out when they realized nothing about this car is kosher.

Obama is still going to take our guns away, right?

Is that a decapitated Dove?

Good thing you didn’t. A few us who made the obvious prolapsed anus joke got prolapsed into the greys.

Coward. I thought you were giving your kid espresso shots and letting them wreak havoc on society.

The best is when your toddler figures out that water makes toilette paper 10x more fun...