
Yeah, those high deserts are much cooler. I lived in Tucson for four years and it was always a bit cooler than Phoenix, but not much. I would have no problem if 90% of our pop moved away.

I’m a desert rat, so I love living in the desert and the heat. But you’re right, most of the people here don’t like the heat and can’t really live in the desert properly. There definitely shouldn’t be cities here. For a good perspective on what it means to really love the desert, read Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey.

Even when it’s not monsooning, your car gets covered in a layer of dust the day after a wash.

I’m guessing you’ve never shopped for a used diesel truck before.

I have family in New Jersey and used to go there every summer as a kid. How many people have died from heat in New Jersey this year? We had six in one weekend. I agree that humidity is absolutely miserable, but 115-120F is a whole nother ballgame, especially when it lasts for four months.

All fanboys are a strange. They’re like sports fans who use “we” when talking about their favorite team.


Our homeboy Ahmed needs to hire a new PR person. Here, stand in front of this white wall so it looks like a ransom video.

Wow, you really went off the rails this morning.

Yeah, fuck me for caring about Jalopnik and not wanting it to turn into the cesspool that Gawker is. Thank god you were here to set me straight; I’m clearly too late, and my efforts are in vain, and you’re a prime example of just how far Jalopnik’s fallen.

Congratulations, you’re cancer.

If being “given” something involves you giving the other party $400k, then you aren’t being given anything.

A hitman? That would be awesome.

You chastise someone for making a trite political comment, then go and make a trite Kinja comment. You’re on a roll this morning!

And yet, you responded... Well done.

Yeah, do those really compete for the same buyers?

It’s so great that we live in a country where I can see families living in poverty with barely enough money to feed their children, and then hear rich people complain about not being allowed to spend $400k on a toy. God Bless America!

It’s not impressive for normal car, but pretty unexpected from a FIAT. I just sold my Subaru Loyale with 250k miles on it, and she was running great. So yeah, I’m aware that 26k trouble free miles isn’t a lot.

Yeah, I’m guessing he used those three whiskeys to wash down whatever mood regulators he was on. He didn’t look like a sorority girl to me.

On a 119F day we had a few weeks ago, my daughter walked outside and exclaimed, “dad, my skin is burning!”. Yes, it is sweetheart, now pick up your toys.