
That would be nice.

Yep. I bought my wife a CPO X1 for $22k. Originally sold for $50k. 250hp and around 280 torques.

Yeah, I like how this “luxury SUV” makes as much power as my fucking bullshit Jeep with a Chrysler minivan engine from the ‘80s. The last gen BMW X1 was RWD and started at around 31k and made around 250 hp...

Three whiskies? C’mon Kentucky, step your game up. Also, it’s great how retrograde the South is. “Assault on a female” is a specific type of crime? In the year 2016? You keep being you, you hillbilly sonsuvbitches. It's the Balkans of America.

If the military steps in to correct electoral errors, it’s not democracy. Keep in mind the Young Turks also committed genocide against the Armenians. I'm an atheist and all for secular governments, but don't pretend a military coup has anything to do with democracy.

Yeah, none of those spots are in Phoenix. I'll be at one of those locales this weekend though. We actually just got a huge monsoon and the whole valley is flooded. Not Texas flooded, but Phoenix flooded.

Gotcha. Yeah, that’s probably what was happening. If it’s too dry for sweat to form on your skin, wind does just feel like a blow drier or an oven.

There wasn't any humidity. I think it was a combination of the heat radiating off the asphalt, my bike, vehicle exhaust, and the sun.

Very true, but it's not surprising when they have issues before then.

I bought it used, so it very well could have already shit the bed and I got the benefit of a second engine. What's weird is that the most reliable new car I ever owned was a Fiat 500 Abarth. 26k miles and not one problem. That was completely unexpected.

Because I’m a masochist, I decided to ride my ‘73 Honda CL450 on a 119F day a few weeks ago. I actually panicked and thought my legs had caught fire at one point. Nope, just really fucking hot out. I should bring a thermometer next time to see what the heat near my legs and feet is.

Today’s been a really cool day on account of the monsoons. I just checked the heat index and its 106F...

Yeah, I used to just suck it up and drink a few gallons of water while washing my car. I couldn’t do it anymore. On our hot days I don’t think it even drops down to 92F at night. It’s been cooler out the past few days on account of the monsoons, but it was still like 83F.

There is nothing glorious about detailing your car during a summer day in Phoenix. You gotta wait until October to do that shit.

There is nothing glorious about detailing your car during a summer day in Phoenix.

I have 60k miles on my wife’s N20, and since this is the second time I’ve mentioned that today, it will probably eat through a timing chain today. Only repair I’ve had so far is a new coolant reservoir which, surprise, cracked because of brittle plastic. Goddamnit I sound like a VW owner praising my sub-100k mile

I have Torquepro as well, but CarlyPro for BMW lets me register batteries, program functions, and read and delete engine codes. I can also datalog. The ability to register batteries alone is worth the $50.

There are lots of car diagnostic and programming apps for phones now. You can run the app on your phone and use the wifi or BT OBD connector to communicate with your car. I use one for my wife’s BMW. $50 app and a $5 OBD reader as opposed to a $500 programmer.

Let the hate run through you. Wait until you feel the need to yell at children you’ve created. It’s a wonderfully frustrating experience. On one hand, you would gladly gouge your own eyes out to keep them from harm, and on the other, you are so fucking angry at them.

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