
I've fit my family of four in my Abarth. We're not your typical fat ass Americans though.

Maybe an autodrive system. Seems that hitting a wall is much more of risk than getting hit by debri.

So, how many F1 deaths would an enclosed cockpit have prevented in the last twenty years? If not wanting enclosed cockpits means you don’t care, than what does that say about people who enjoy motorcycle racing?

Except we wouldn’t use the term homos.

What does the cat stand for in catback?

Mike Pence is your friend’s dad who sends him off to a reeducation camp when he comes out as gay.

Mike Pence is your friend’s dad who gives you a cigarette and says it is good for you.

Mike Pence would never by a Miata because they’re girl’s cars

I also like how a grown man getting paid millions to play a game calls a child elite for sitting in the front row.

I am undefeated in the Abarth stoplight racing circuit. All those WRXs, GTIs, Mustangs, and Toyoburus aren't eligible for competition.

Well, I you look at how many Russians were killed, it seems as if they were very easy to kill. Lucky for them they lived in a frozen wasteland.

Please. America exists because a bunch of Puritans pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, said fuck you to Yerup, and took what God had given them. Those commie, pope worshipping Frenchies had nothing to do with it.

May he rest in peace.

They still use it. It’s stamped on the engine of my Abarth and on a bunch of the parts.

They’re being made in Germany. German labor culture is about as close to Italian and French labor culture as the US is.

Shit, my wife is my age and if my dick slowed down she’d be pissed. You must make more money than me.

That looks like a shirt a 14 year-old would wear. Shit, is she fourteen?

Is that the MIL?

He especially didn’t need to justify it with that story.