
Mileage is irrelevant on vehicles over 30 years old anyways.

You could do the interior on an old single cab truck for a lot less than $800.

I drove my ‘66 GMC with no AC all summer long last year

I'm wondering if the reason so many soldiers dress like absolute fucking morons is as some sort of form of rebellion against having to follow such stringent dress codes all the time. That dude on the left is dressed like a Mexican hit man.

Tyler quit you moron.

Get out of here with that pussy PC bullshit. Trump Trump Trump Trump!

The sane ones among us can.

Is that because it isn't white?

Is this not a blog?

The FIAT 500 weighs 2,500 lbs...

I put a 24mm sway bar on the back of my WRX, and it made it very easy to rotate even on asphalt.


Yes, we have anti-democratic stopgaps built into our Republic. I wouldn’t argue that point. The most obvious example would be the Electoral College. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, as large groups of people tend to make really bad decisions sometimes. However, shooting the opposition when they step over a proverbial

Cool story bro.

You do understand that Turkey is a parliamentary democracy, and thus voters don’t elect the president, right? If you’re asking me if I’m aware of Erdogan’s anti democratic crackdown on the press, then yes, I am. However, his actions don’t somehow make a military coup democratic, especially when the coup plotters

If you have a military coup every ten years, then you’re not really handing power back to the people. It’s been a nation for less than a century, and they only had one political party for about half that time.

I’m no liberal. I couldn’t give a shit about either of those two.

Antisemitism was a word created by Germans to specifically refer to hating Jews. It never had any other meaning. It’s not like it was a word that they just started using. They created a compound word (as you can do in German) to specifically refer to hating Jews. You sound like a dumb fucking antisemite, so I know I

I don’t think so. James Hunt got way too much pussy to be that uptight.

The government was secular. The population has been majority Muslim for the last few centuries. My Albanian ancestors fought against the Ottomans when they invaded Albania from 700 years ago.