
Yes, there are a multitude of Semitic tribes throughout the Middle East. However, the term antisemite was coined in late 19th century Germany as a more scientific term for Judenhass (Jew hatred). It wasn’t Jews who hijacked it, it was racist Germans.

Many antisemites believe that all communist movements are run by Jews. No joke.

The Turkish military that routinely kills Kurdish civilians and has participated in at least one genocide. Right...


So they’re selling a larger car with rwd for about the same price. Generally, luxury car buyers like larger cars rather than smaller ones. BMW has been making the 1 series hatchback for a little while now, and they’re all over Europe. It looks much better than the glorified Golf, so if they never brought that over, I

Generally backfiring on decel after revving it up indicates you’re running a bit lean. Try turning your idle mixture screw down a bit. If you’re tuned for power its ok to have a bit of a snap crackle and pop, but not that much.

I’m fully aware of the role Turkey’s military has played in choosing its governments. There is nothing inherently democratic about a secular government. The military (an unelected body) choosing who takes power is not democratic, even if they’re taking a shithead out of power.

The A3 MSRP starts at $30k and the 320i starts at $33k. Are you saying those prices aren’t competitive with each other?

The most American solution ever. Put a trunk release on the inside of cars just in case a crazed gunman locks you in your own trunk.

When troops block bridges with tanks, raid news stations, shoot civilians, and declare themselves in control of the country, it is also not democracy.

I agree, but neither is shooting the opposition.

Iraq was invaded because they allegedly had weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda. It had nothing to do with democracy.

America is about to get it real hard, I fear.

Well, America is generally held up as the birthplace of modern democracy, and its constitution definitely wasn't constructed in a democratic fashion. There were also plenty of people enslaved under it, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. You're describing some sort of fantasy democracy. And generals/colonels

If guys with guns are a check in the people being voted into power, then you don't really have a democracy. Don't bring a ballot to a gun fight.

I’m in agreement with everything you just said.

Oh I'm well aware of what he's doing and think it's awful. But I'm under no illusion that a military coup is democratic just because it's against someone I don't like. I still support it, as I feel democracy is overrated.

Yesssss, and if the military invaded whichever flyover state and institutes martial law while removing the elected leaders, no one would say that it was democratic.

Like I said, if you have the military stepping in to correct the actions on elected leaders, that’s not democracy. This same military has brutally oppressed the Kurds and committed genocide against the Armenians. Yes, Erdogan is an asshole, no, removing him through a coup isn’t democracy.

If the military is allowed to step in when they don’t like who is in power, then none of your elections are free or fair. And I’m calling bullshit on your notion that Christians in America would support the military overthrowing Christian led government officials as long as free speech was protected.