
Having a coup every ten years in order to keep certain people from taking elected office is not democracy. I’m not saying I don’t support this, I’m just saying it isn’t democratic. I’d love it is the US military would forcible remove our religious fundamentalists from office and hand over power to the secularists.

I completely agree. If your country routinely uses the military in order to institute a secular government, then you don’t really have a democracy. There’s is nothing inherent in Democracy that ensures a secular government. Take the US for example. If the US military had staged a coup to ensure that women could obtain

Yes, and military coup pretty much takes all of those things away. The military in this coup actively tried to keep the free press from reporting on it. Ask the 260 odd Turks killed on Friday what happens when you’re a political dissident during a military coup.

Says the Italian guy! You guys have yet to figure out what a democracy is!

A coup to overthrow a democratically elected government is the opposite of democracy. Democracy gives the people what they want, even if it is fucking awful. America has realized this a few times.

Yeah, but how could you possibly have a secular society with all those Muslims? That’s just liberal propaganda from the lametream media!

A military coup to preserve democracy. That’s rich! The thing about democracies, is sometimes they lead to religious nutbags holding political office. Take the US for example.


Funny how a Muslim majority country like Turkey hasn’t had the death penalty in thirty years. I thought we’re are all supposed to be afraid of Muslims instituting Sharia law in the US so they can start cutting people’s heads off for stealing bread. I guess our Christian majority is out-Sharia’ing them.

Hell yeah, brother! How are we supposed to fight off Obama and his Muslim hordes of Chinese UN soldiers coming to institute Sharia law if we don’t have high capacity drift mobiles?!!!!

By founders you mean the people who wrote the constitution. A constitution which they built a bunch of anti-democratic systems into to ensure that the highly ignorant and religious populous wouldn’t ruin what they had created. The original settlers were very religious.

He converted to Islam shortly after the Rome Olympics in 1960, won the heavyweight belt in ‘64 and wasn’t drafted until 1966. Converting to Islam didn’t keep him from being charged and convicted of draft evasion. He lost out on fighting during the best years of his life because of it. His conviction wasn’t overturned

How would someone get impeached for stuff they get away with? The very fact they're getting away with it means they aren't going to get impeached for it.

I have no desire to become friends with people with such delicate sensibilities, sorry.

No I won’t. Our nutcases in the military would love having Trump as President.

We should. Ata’boy!

Turkey exists as a country because of secularism. The United States exists as a country because of fringe religious groups. We’re fucked.

wrong post

I’m American and I’m hoping for a military coup if Trump becomes Pres.

Pretty sure Erdogan was the one keeping them out. The Islamists in Turkey share more political ideals with Brexiters than the Turkish military does.