
For the record I’m a gun owner, and have had a CCW for over a decade. If you really think you’re more likely to be killed in a terrorist attack in America than by some rando on the street with a gun, then it’s not really going to matter what studies I cite.

So you’re more likely to kill yourself than be killed by a terrorist. Thanks for driving home my point even more (a point that you seemed to have missed).

You seem to be missing the point I was making. People get all up in arms about banning certain types of people based on their fear of being killed, when you’re much more likely (as you’ve pointed out) to kill yourself than be killed by a terrorist.

Sounds like a pretty good argument for Anarchy to me.

They are, that's my point.

They don’t discount it for anyone with half a brain. There have been more than 7,000 people killed by firearms in the US since the beginnin of this year. More than all those attacks combined. These morons will call to ban Muslims, when they’re much more likely to get killed by some rando walking down the street.

More people have been killed in the US by guns in the first half of this year than all those attacks combined. There have been over 7,000 firearm related deaths this year. There were over 13,000 in 2015.

If you'd ever actually visited France you'd know that immigrants and French people do live in two separate states and that's the problem.

I agree there's lots of Israelis that want peace. But there are also lots of Israelis who don't want peace and actively try to undermine peace efforts. The same is true on the Arab side.

The goal for most people living in free nations is to exist without having enemies surrounding you who wish for your destruction. That way we don’t have to worry about merely surviving, and can enjoy our lives while we have them.

Seems like a well thought out, reasonable approach. It surely won’t result in perpetual war for the entirety of our modern nation’s existence!

I obviously hate America and freedom. Baby Jesus weeps for me.

And yet more people have still been killed by gun violence than all those terrorist attacks combined!

We have same situation like in Israel and we have to adopt Israeli security. If we do not, european civilization will be destroyed by barbarians. It happened before, centuries of darkness followed, can happen again.

Disrespecting a dead man who could have whooped the shit out of you. Well played.

Also, by all accounts, this guy was mentally unstable.


I stayed in a cheap hotel in that neighborhood when I was passing through Nice seven years ago. It was pretty sketchy at night, but I did find one hell of a kabob place. That’s when I learned that a three star hotel in Europe is muuuuch different than a three star hotel in the states.

So edgy!

From a group of people who routinely reject multitudes of scientific findings in favor of ancient middle eastern fables.