
Holy shit. Three assholes, one felon, and all car guys. That would be a great show to watch!

Gotcha. Yes, spot on. Relatable in that “doesn’t look like a penis” kind of way. Unlike Evans.

Alright, Illleaveyoualoneyouknowwhatyouredoing

Saying a television presenter has a bit of “Kimi” in them is a terrible insult. And completely accurate in this case.

Relatable, really? He seems bored out his mind driving around super cars. I’m like “wake the fuck up, Matt!”

You know that car smells bad when a resident of Elizabeth, NJ, walks by holding their nose.

I'm tryin to make it to the Basque region on this trip, but we are headed to Paris in a few days and then on to Switzerland. I should probably skip Paris and just go to northern Spain since France is such a shit show right now.

This is my third time visiting here. La Sagrada Familia is amazing! The first time I visited it still wasn’t finished, but last time it was. My wife is an artist so we hit up all of Gaudí’s stuff whenever we are here.

Well, you may be correct, but being into organic farming, renewable energy, and grassroots organizations doesn’t make you a leftists. My father in law is into all three of those things, and the grassroots organization he's into is Tea Party. Voted for Bush twice, and will be voting for Trump.

Sí, Barcelona.

He's got about $6mil before he decides it isn't fun anymore. Not goo.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're probably Protestant. Although I know some Catholics in Northern Ireland who argued they should vote to leave because the Good Friday Agreement was predicated on both Ireland and the U.K. being in the EU. If that is no longer the case then it creates an opening for a united

Says the guy who's a citizen of a nation that brought its bullshit beliefs to people around the globe for centuries.

Man you racists just can't contain yourselves anymore. You say it is not about racism, then one comment later make veiled racist comments.

Yeah, I don't know where I was on that one. Probably the fourteen hour flight Im still recovering from and all the sangria I drank last night.

I think you're right.

I already said it. Economically it's a stupid move. The people voting for it are afraid of having refugees from the ME enter their country. That's what I meant by xenophobia. Not sure what you're on about.

You might want to look up what xenophobia means. It doesn't sound like you know.

You implied that the UK was subject to the EU’s immigration and currency controls. I’m not the only person who read this in what you wrote.

You’re right. His understanding of the world economy in general is pretty abysmal, which is what is to be expected. These guys are England’s version of Trump supporters. I wonder how many of the people who voted lead were Nationalist Front members.