
Wow, you really do have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Its terrifying that you were allowed to vote on something of such importance. The States operate much like the EU with their own internal laws and a set of external laws governing their relationships with each other and the world. You seem to be

The U.K. is not the US my friend. We a have a much larger economy, produce many more exports, and don’t need to import raw materials. Our country spans an entire continent. The US has 16x the UK’s GDP. China artificially adjusts their currency value, so comparing any country's currency to the yen is fucking pointless

The people supporting Brexit are one of two groups. In American terms its your friend at the trailer park who thinks Mexican are taking the jobs he doesn’t want or your second uncle who still uses the word n****r. In other words, complete morons.

You realize the US operates like the EU, right? We are just one nation rather than many.

What are you on? The pound ended 11% down on the dollar, its lowest in thirty years and 7% down on the Euro. Keep drinking that J&B while you can afford it! I will offer a thanks to you racists, as my European vacation just got a bit cheaper.

So it was even worse than the Leave campaign predicted. They’re fucked.

It's pretty alarming when Jeremy. Clarkson is on the left of an issue.

I find it pretty terrifying that half of England and Wales share the opinion of an ignorant American Trump supporter. Maybe we should send all these people to Syria as trade for their refugees? I'll gladly trade Trump supporters for Mexican migrants.

What does Britain make that the US needs? The pound is still worth more than the dollar and labor in the UK is much more expensive. Unless the UK seriously reduces their wages, they won't make any money off a trade deal with the US. Brexit makes no sense economically. It was purely a xenophobic move.

Only the most ignorant of people support Brexit. This is clear from your post. First of all, if you have actually ever travelled between the UK and the EU, you’d realize that the UK isn’t apart of Shengen and therefore controls its own borders. Secondly, they also weren’t a parts of the Eurozone, so they controlled

Same here. I hike in the Superstition Mountains frequently and can't believe how many people I see walking out with inadequate water. I've convinced many people to turn back after explaining to them that they had just enough water for a couple laps around the parking lot.

I don’t feel sorry for anyone, but you aren't necessarily an idiot for hiking in that heat if you do it properly. I've hiked in similar heat, and not had any adverse health issues. You just have to be very careful and drink a fuckton of water.

There wasn't much cooling going on. It may have been an air warmed engine at that point.

That's exactly went through my head when my adrenaline subsided as I realized I wasn't burning.

Trump is going to appoint her Secretary of State.

What would #Tubman think about this, guys!?

I rode my 40 year-old air cooled Honda in this heat on Monday and I actually though I caught on fire for a second. My legs started burning like the were on fire, but when Inlooked down there was nothing. It was just oppressively hot.

I'm a native, but we are few and far between. It's funny how your body adapts. Any temps over 70F and I start sweating.

Only someone from San Diego would complain about the heat in San Diego after watching a dude cook steaks on the street in Phoenix.