
Exactly. Five people died hiking last weekend. It's a dry heat, just like an oven!

He probably would have done the same thing he did in every country he operated in. Build fascist utopian factories.

You know you e fucked up when an old Asian lady is laughing at your parking skills.

Pretty fucking ironic that Ford was offered VW as reparations. I think Ford should have been offered to Israel as reparations once it became a nation.

Those EJ engines were known for throwing inter cooler hoses from the factory. My ‘13 Forester XT blew it's inter cooler hose off the first week I had it, and that was with the little TD04 turbo.

So you think doing the same thing (arrest and jail) over and over again (at least forty times in this case) is the right way to do things? Seems like your solution is to just keep doing something you know doesn’t work hoping for a different outcome (which is insane) or to just kill the offender in the street and not

Maybe you should figure out what I’m talking about before you comment. You seem lost.

Survival definitely doesn’t mean you aren’t a dumbass. The sheer number of morons walking around is proof of that. If your job title includes “get into fights with people in order to keep them from selling cigarettes”, then you’re a dumbass for taking that job.

Like I said, any individual who gets into a physical confrontation with someone because they want to keep them from selling cigarettes is a moron. The physical fitness of the person they’re fighting doesn’t really play into it. Although they might be a bigger moron if they attack someone who can whoop their ass.

So you think fare jumping and selling loosies is a quality of life issue? Ok, moron.

I know, right? Arresting someone for playing music in a junkyard? Those cops were clearly over compensating for something.

With all the corruption scandals, I think they definitely know what they’re doing.

Chasing fare jumpers around with helicopters, and killing people for minor offenses improves quality of life? Alright there, Mr. Dredd.

I jumped a turnstile in Barcelona on New Years right in front of two cops. I saw them right as my feet hit the ground and one yelled at me to stop. I froze, then they both started laughing hysterically and told me happy New Years.

I call someone hustling selling cigarettes an entrepreneur.

They chased a kid around with a helicopter last night for jumping a subway fare, and killed a guy last year for selling untaxed cigarettes. The NYPD is out of it’s fucking mind.

I shit you not, I saw a girl showing off her new breasts to her passenger while sitting in traffic in Newport Beach once. Wasn’t even a sexual thing, she was showing him the incision scars and everything, really inspecting them. She looked over at me and I gave her a thumbs up.

You’re located northeast of what, St. Petersburg?

Damn, it’s clearly Florida!