
I believe he evacuates directly into an attendant’s outstretched and begloved (velvet, natch) palms.

... what kind of claim would be bolstered by knowing the rates corresponding to each baserunner’s performance in various scenarios? UBR and BSR simplify the data to provide a more holistic, if less precise, estimation of a player’s abilities.

Thanks for this piece, Diana. I’m putting this in the pantheon of great meta-journalism you all have produced, alongside Scoccia’s On Smarm and the piece about ESPN Embracing Debate and Tebow. (Copy desk: please add links, thx.)

“famous for its hot smokes”

Which city needs its team the most?

I remember being excited about Larry Sanders :(

Cue at 4:00. Damn.

I’m in the same boat re: Bucks fandom. I feel like a bad fan for waiting for a talent like Giannis to pull me in, but god damn if I don’t enjoy the hell out of rooting for them now.

I wish I followed the NBA closely enough to know the answer to this question:

These good girls are my good pets.

To make a catch, it’s more useful to know the trajectory of a fly ball than knowing its specific location at a given moment in its flight path. A fielder responds to the arc of the ball in flight. So they don’t just pay attention to where the ball is at any given time, even as it’s falling into their glove, because

Gay knobbed it; got dome (dating back to ~ 300BC)

Joakim Noah displays the rare talent of playing basketball less well than a person with neither elbows nor knees.

The joke here is that many City fans are in fact front-running assholes. A more familiar joke state-side would be something like, “As a Warriors fan, are you as excited by this year’s Durant’s signing as you were when Shaq signed with the Lakers?”

How long did the smell of burnt mustard linger in Draper’s kitchen?

If a sport franchise (for some reason) offered Deadspin access - press seats, media credentials, locker room access, etc. - with no caveat that you become homers, would someone take the beat, or would that be counter to Deadspins “without access” credo?

It’s hard not to feel sorry for the copy writer who had to explain how and when to wear these articles of clothing.

I also enjoyed the bevy of bike lanes during my time in DC. It’s one of the best bike networks in the country, imo. But the bane of the DC bicyclist’s existence (this probably isn’t actually location limited) are the entitled fucks who double park, or just drive through the bike line as if it were an extra cushy