

Well then how do you suggest I tell people I've just seen a giant next time he comes?

No! Google Buzz is best!

No agent! You're the agent!

The simplest explanation is that it will be used to hit something later on, so I guess it can be two things.

But… your name is Fuckman.

Billy's yuuuge down here in South FL too!

I believe it was a pair of Oviraptors who did the egg song.

I just ate a vegan BLT on a bolillo. I guess that does sound pretty white.

That isn't Prime Bonecrusher is fighting in that picture, it's Grimlock. That is Prime vs. Devastator in the header image though.

A little bit of dill is what your potato leek soup needs.

I didn't know imbrued was an uncommon word! I must've picked it up from metal lyrics as a youngster or something.

Either that or Pabst Blue Milk if you're running a special on tallboys tonight.

These guys played in my old living room.

Yep, it's Marc the vocalist from BvS as well as a few of their guitar guys whose names I can't remember. Not quite the same as BvS but it should scratch that itch to hear more along the same lines. They are just as good live too.

I think it was about 10 years ago for me too, in a tiny little VFW-esque hall in Michigan. They were awesome live. I assume you've checked out Bars of Gold, right?

Long time lurker commenting for the first time to say Bear vs. Shark is one of my all time favorite bands and I would definitely not mind some reunion shows, preferably at Fest. Also this movie will suck.