Dios Basado

Fuck that. These greedy corporate buddies of the Trump family knew very well what kind of people they are. Now all of a sudden they follow suit because they’re afraid of the backlash and/or want credit.

No one ever accused Trump of being lazy. He’s got every other sin the book, but he has the time and stamina to do evil shit.

Just remember who he was running against, and you’ll know why he won.

He’s a multi-billionaire.

He might be autistic. That’s who Barron got it from.

He’s a BILLIONAIRE who pretty much made the name Trump what it is today.

Because the DNC favored Hillary over Bernie who would’ve brought real change.

To be fair, he’s a director so he’s never part of a scene as an actor. Just putting that out there.

The nose knows.

Oh wow Gaten is 14?! Isn’t he alittle, um, too young have missing front teeth? lol

I think I already know this describes you perfectly.

I get a feeling that Megyn is boring in bed but she is also eager to learn.

This is very random but I’ve been wondering lately.

I have a right to express my opinion.

Weird and dumb people like weird and dumb things.

There is evidence pointing to her faking her pregnancy with Blue Ivy. This just adds to the suspicions.

She’s just conceited. Famous, wealthy people tend to think they’re extra important than us peasants.

I don’t get why so many people nearly worship Beyoncé, as if she’s some fucking demi deity. She’s a multi-millionaire in the hundreds while she sits there in her ivory tower.

There is zero evidence of her being a shapeshifting reptilian, and nobody with a sound mind seriously entertains that thought.
