
You must have ignored the part where no police report has been filed, much less a conviction, sentence or trial or any actual evidence besides an accusation before labeling a guy a child rapist. And that was before you ignored the girl moving in with a guy after detailing multiple instances of sexual harassment by him

Lol WHAT!? seriously hoping its some kind of joke or sarcasm haha

You’re crazy. I love the character designs.

Alright now we’re cooking. Way more appealing for me to check out than previously.

normally I’d be all against sexist depictions of woman and such but really its a barbarian setting. its kinda its stick.

For them to properly exercise their rights as the owners of the intellectual property that was stolen? Which is what they’ve been doing all along?

Nope. You’re reading too much into it.

You’re reading far too much into it. The game is full of people staggering dying through the streets begging you for food or water. A mourning women’s sufferance wasn’t too much to bear. It was the extremely loud volume and repetitive loop of her misery, not the misery itself. And while somehow nobody on Reddit

lmao I thought the same thing after reading the title. I expected it to be authored by Cicilia on one of her sjw click baits filled with the usual white knight comments about women in games. Luckily its not, good on you Kotaku way to be normal.

Seriously the people complaining about whitewashing...

Whatever, people can just bitch while customers here in Japan go and watch this in droves. Maybe, they’ll make a Scarlet Johansson day like they did with Tom Cruise.

You want savage? I got savage

I prefer this parody over DICE’s

For PC users...just go get the mod that re-enables them. Sorry console users.

Yes they do. Seems reasonable to me.

I got the same email from my parents.

Per usual, terrible character design. This entire game’s art style is just hideous.

You seem like a fun guy.

Happy to see Paragon getting some coverage in Kotaku :)

Paragon doesn’t seem to get much attention... well, anywhere. But it’s the only MOBA I’ve really enjoyed enough to soak dozens of hours into.