
Okay Heigel I get it now here come the plugs. I wonder what kind of kickback she’s is getting from these “artisanal Finds”. This whole blog is a farce. Heavenly days more like make me heave daily.

People are always like Christopher Columbus didn’t discover American but I don’t understand this . if I find 50 cent in my couch I discovered it , I mean it was there already but I didn’t know about it so I discovered it. Everything is already out there a discovery is made when you find something you didn’t know

He must get a good sound playing Bella’s empty head like a bongo.

cloud/xan i don’t know what that means cause im old ,if that means face tatoos and looks like having bad hygiene then yes.

Had to look up Mod Sun, he’s a white rapper what are the odds.

Who sexually harassed her , Jonathan the 184-year-old tortoise the world oldest animal.

Perhaps they don’t have preventive care because they want these women to get pregnant and have abortion which pay more. Like any good business. All I know PP is an institution run and created by whites and the numbers which don’t lie that the majority of abortions are performed on black and Latino women. These Unborn

The democrats realized they were getting smashed for closing down the government over illegal aliens. American’s do not want illegal aliens here, they are tired of putting the rights and well-being of illegals over citizens. The democrats should drop this immigration stance and understand that it cannot win on this

Here we go again black people cheering their own genocide. The majority of abortions are of babies of color. Black people line up to cheer the good white “friends” who want to help as they kill your babies , For F sake you’re getting played again fools.

They’re going to need a lot more P.A.D.S (publicity, action, discrimination-training, settlements) to clean up this mess.

And what go outside ?!?!?!

So glad Olivia is not dating star-lord, I was worried she bring her bad mojo like she did with her last BF and the guardians would get stomped by Thanos.

awh shucks not the hamty hampts.

How are we to tell if this product works , she could be bald under there , we’ll never know.

Didn’t she refuse sex and left , they didn’t have sex.

he definitely needs to grow some facial hair. He has a young face which doesnt fit with the balding maybe a beard or mustache goatee type thing.

She knits great , I don’t have to hear about every knit one purl two in excruciating detail.

to each her own . i just never really cared about minutiae of
katherine heigls last thanksgiving future christmas plans in painstaking minute by minute story by uninteresting story detail. it is fascinating why she does it, like what is the reason I dont know , but i guess you found some interest in Katherine heigls

So in my last holiday post I mentioned that my birthday, falling the day after Thanksgiving, was kind of a s*#t show. The good news is that my friends and family more than made up for it with a badass trip to New York where we ate, shopped, rested, ate and ate some more!