
Environmental toxicologist here - it won’t rinse out, it’s used to water proof clothing.  However, these are large compounds that are not likely to cross the skin barrier in high enough concentrations to cause the cancers associated with PFAS, those are caused by this chemical primarily in drinking water.  So unless

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”

If he didn’t want to be groped, he shouldn’t have been wearing that hat.

I really wish there was some sort of sports and politics combo to discuss this madness further! Or one take on it on the sports page, and another on the politics page!

That’s the age when he became undead, but he’s really like 440.

Guyyyysss, who approved the Ouija board story?

She is complicit. No sympathy. Ever.

No, don’t feel anything for that Viper. She was/is a ‘Birther’ as much as her Vile husband. There’s plenty of video out there of her spewing the lies!

I promise you that people held and maintained opinions unsupported by expert analysis long before the millennials were told to believe in themselves.

A court ruled she was born in 1989. 

There was enough evidence for a court, and medical tests showed physiology consistent with and adult with dwarfism not a child.

I wish we would shut the fuck up about white working class voters. They’re a lost cause and hell bent on voting against their own self-interest. We’ve had two Democratic Presidents when two consecutive terms without them, yet we’re obsessed with courting those five living Reagan Democrats. Those people will never vote

This also happened after the WFP endorsed Warren a few days ago.

Cant wait for the white Bernie supporters to come explain how this was all trolls and not actual Bernie supports, ignoring the numerous persons of color, women, and especially women of color who have been documenting it for 4 years now. They know about it better than the people experiencing it and they are here to

I think you are giving way too much credit to Trump. This shit goes back decades. Nixon started getting into bed with the Jerry Falwell crowd and turned political differences into cultural battles (ironic that he was actually fairly progressive compared to the current GOP). It got turned up to 11 after Watergate.

“Not all Republicans are racists, climate change deniers, religious zealots, etc.”

So most of my life as an adult I’ve straddled the opinion fence, but having a discussion about discussions on politics - with a trans friend, opened my eyes.

Bro, who hurt you?