
I knew that you would both say that, and not provide any explanation as to how.

It’s what your mother is licking out of a corpse’s fetid ass crack.

Idiocy. My initial statement conveys that objections to relativism, while often sound in some respects, tend to be absolutist. One defense of a tradition is not the same as another defense of a different tradition. Therefore, when someone says, in response to a relativistic argument about bullfighting, that anyone at

Pure obfuscation.

We have wandered into the wrong thread, my friend.

Listen, I know it’s uncivilized to talk credentials, but you literally wrote the words “Do you not understand what the work “relativism,” means, you dumb fuck” to someone with a postgraduate degree in the relevant area of study.

Ah, resorting to classist insults in your internet snark. The last refuge of the supremacist on a board such as this. Tell me I live in a trailer park next, then say something about how I’m an “ignorant black”. It’s all the same shit. Poor people who work at fast food joints! Always a stellar put down.


Yes, I’m quite aware, having written many a paper on the topic. Thanks very much.

No, you’re morally incompetent for celebrating the death of a person, husband and father of a young girl. Bullfighting is abhorrent, but a cretin like you is certainly no better than the people who enjoy it or participate in it. If you are under the delusion that you’re a good person when you’re crowing about a man’s

Your response to me indicates the depth of your intellectual incompetence. You presume that since I think you’re a horrible person for celebrating the death of a father and husband I must be in favor of bullfighting. I’m not. Bullfighting is disgusting and so are you.

That’s... exactly what I was saying.

It’s possible you don’t know this, but you’re actually garbage.

Your comment is ironic. You lament the tragically unevolved mindset of those who enjoy bullfighting while pointing out that you give “zero fucks” about the tragic, premature death of a husband and father. It’s like watching a chimp swear up and down that it’s a man, even as it eats its own shit.

You think all culturally relativist arguments are the same? So if I think people should be free to wear headscarfs I’m also advocating for human sacrifice?

No. Fuck you. You’re a moral incompetent.

Please go fuck yourself.

If you have even a modicum of decency and are not a total shitsack, then yes, you should feel bad that this has happened. One can think bullfighting is barbaric and not be a total scumbag bereft of human empathy.

There’s more to this. Aslan has also tweeted that he thinks people should be raped. He’s also a seemingly pathological, manipulative liar, has fudged his credentials, and some of his online feuds verge on being stalkerish. He went on television and said female genital mutilation is an exclusively African problem and