
“But I do know that it’s not going to be somebody who has a better argument than Hillary Clinton.”

They’d have gotten rid of you at selection.

Honestly, for me, as someone who has actually been sexually assaulted, though not raped, the thought of being falsely accused is vastly more terrifying. But that’s a personal thing. I would never say it is objectively worse morally. It is, however, when it happens, an incredibly serious abuse intended to ruin a

The F? Was this reply meant for someone else? Who said anything about any of that shit?


You should stop, because it’s incorrect. Do you think rights don’t exist in countries that don’t have the first amendment? Free speech is a philosophical principle that has been enshrined in law within the United States as concerns the State, but that is not ALL it is.

I keep seeing this comic. It completely misunderstands the principle of free speech, and the entire idea of rights. Freedom of speech does not apply exclusively to government. Rights do not refer exclusively to government. That’s not how these concepts work. I don’t know how anyone can believe this stuff, other than

But that’s not what it means. I’m not sure when this meme got started. Free speech does not mean exclusively freedom from government censorship. It just doesn’t. This is a false belief that has to be stamped out.

You’re completely wrong. It’s you who doesn’t know what freedom of speech means. Crack open a book. Start with JS Mill.

“Does that go to his parenting ability? I mean, it’s not like the child saw it.”


That was sloppy and rushed and I apologize. He did not. I meant to say he bailed out bankers. By which I mean he protected them from prosecution. He did the same to torturers and war criminals.

Goddamnit, no. What is wrong with you? It oughtn’t make a bit of difference that Trump is awful to the legacy of Obama.

It’s not edgy. It’s common fucking sense. And they’re both disgusting. Why do you ask? What the hell does it matter that Bush and Trump are repugnant? We are talking about Obama.

I am a schmuck, and a careless replier. Bailed out bankERS, protecting them from prosecution.

Anwar al-Awlaki, Samir Khan and Abdulrahman al-Awlaki (a sixteen year old boy) were Americans killed in drone strikes.

Once upon a time the United States of America had a President who successfully connected subjects to verbs multiple times a day, and assassinated American citizens without due process, and bailed out banks who wrecked the economy, and extended the Patriot Act, and willfully slaughtered innocent children with drones in

Right. It’s understudied AND sometimes it’s not clear what the data is telling us, especially on the question of “consent”.

I’m not aware of anyone writing about it, but it’s something I find is discussed a lot amongst actors, or at least it is if they’re marginally sensitive to issues of sexual harassment, sexism and fairness. Oftentimes this is counteracted by a “it’s just the way things are” mentality at first, but the more it’s talked

I jus saw this. Nice post. Since virtually all women involved in prostitution are there coercively (it’s something like 92 percent), and since I assume the number is likely also high for porn, I would have no objections to rules that would limit such industries to only those occasions when women have full ownership of