

"I love how passionate you are about pepperoni."

Ha, same! I was actually waiting for Jessica to apologize to HIM!

What, you think he just kind of came back from the dead?

"Its in pieces now, but everything is there."

I like how Tara mentioned Clay killed Piney TWO MONTHS ago. It's hard to believe the time is moving so slowly when it feels like it's been years to the audience.

We had a substitute teacher for almost a month in a math class and we watched Stand and Deliver. Every. Single. Day.

I remember watching Armageddon and The Core in a high school science class and the assignment was to try and point out everything that was scientifically wrong with the films. It was a lot of fun.

"Is that supposed to be JT’s bike at the end? Is Jax going to discover some ancient clues about the “accident”? And where has this bike been the whole time?"

Yes, I'm serious. I wasn't commenting on the fact that she met with Unser, I was commenting on her amazing acting during that scene. Her facial expressions and body language were spectacular while she was being grilled by Jax. She did a great job, I was blown away.

Damn, how good was Lowen in that trailer scene???

There's no way the Amber-Ryan-Sarah thing is going away. The preview for next week made it look like it was about to blow the eff up.