
I would have picked Tom Hanks as the last celebrity person to commit DV.

I didn’t like either of those films, honestly. I thought DoFP was a step backward for the series and, despite every human being I know loving it, Sherlock Holmes did nothing for me. That’s not to take anything away from people who do like them, more power to you, I say. They just weren’t for me. Deadpool I

“what actresses have been exploited? Was anyone coerced to do anything? Was any one of the actresses, major or minor, forced to do something?”

that’s the joke dot com

Stop being obtuse, it was obviously sarcasm.

I don’t understand. I totally got the sarcasm. Are you trolling? Or just sarcasm-deficient?

The most powerful man in the world and a subordinate intern about the age of his daughter is such a gross imbalance of power that the relationship is inherently predatory. Bill Clinton is a goddamned sleazy piece of garbage.

In this instance, the dynamic of power is what strips this of the possibility of being truly consensual. As a 23-ish intern who actually gets to See and Talk to the President of the United States (super exciting for anyone to talk to the leader of the free world, let alone a young person looking to get involved in

I’m not saying that everytime someone has sex with their boss they are a victim, but often times when there is a large power-imbalance (and President to intern is about as big as the imblance gets) then one person could be a victim in that relationship.

I just want to point out that you open with "She should not have been the focus of the hate she received" and follow with something that implies "She brought it upon herself" I am not sure if that was your intention or not but it is exactly what I was talking about.

The show can be accused of titillating the heterosexual male audience 99% of the time. There, fixed it for ya.

People aren't missing the point, they're saying the point is stupid. Which it is.

Age is no excuse here. Baby Got Back is timeless.

Sounds good. What key is the square button?

That sounds like a very clever thing to do, that rhetorical slight of hand you mentioned, but I’m not sure I know what you mean. The first bit about holding Hillary to an unstated standard I understand, but what do you mean when you say I’m “trying to pass the blame for a supposed double-standard on everybody else in

Are you really claiming that, because I don’t believe years of neoconservative talking points about Hillary Clinton, I’m somehow devoid of the ability to reason or am a bad person?

Look, I made you something! It’s too late in the evening to have it notarized, so I included my pregnant stomach in the picture. The fetus can serve as a witness.

Since my only knowledge of you is your pattern of claiming I’ve written things I haven’t actually written, your statement that you “like facts” seems unlikely to be true.

You and I both know that your brother-in-law confirmed no such thing. I think we can come up with a better lie to tell about me.. How about that I steal from children’s hospitals, or that I step on kittens just for fun?

Nah. Everybody has a job to do. Just everybody handles things differently.