
This sort of response is intolerant and foolish, especially when you are talking to progressives who, if Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, would prefer to vote for Stein who is also a woman. But aside from that, I’m a feminist and a woman myself, and it’s dismissive of you to assume that misogyny plays a role in why

I would venture to guess if it was Mitt Romney taking George Clooneys money you would be singing a different tune.

It’s bad to raise money for down ballot candidates? That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

No, I’m sorry, but this fundraiser is fucking egregious. Like, it used to be the case that politicians would go out of their way to avoid bringing up fundraisers where plates cost a couple thousand dollars. We long accepted this kind of shit as, like, the cost of doing business, but certainly not a tasteful activity

Yes. Typing and spelling, that is another matter though.

My God, this looks _terrible_. I mean, sometimes good movies have awful trailers but usually they try to prune through the movie and put some of the best parts in. If this is all they could find then we’re in for a painful 2 hours.

Dude. I don’t give a shit if you vote or who you vote for. It’s none of my business. Just like how I vote or whether I vote is none of yours. My whole point is that you’re both wrong and an asshole, so leave people alone if they want to vote for Bernie but not Hillary. Why do you presume their opinions are

You don’t have to know complicated political theory; you just have to let go of this religious reverence for voting and look at the system as it actually exists. Everyone doesn’t have to share your analysis, or vote for your candidate.

Here’s an article that may help explain my original comment. Lots of people have

It sounds like you’ve never heard much leftist political analysis at all. Not everyone believes in the sanctity of U.S. elections.

I’ll say it again, just for you. I will be voting, for Bernie. I’m not compromising and I’m not supporting Clinton and I’m not “ voting against republicans “ because Hillary is a FUCKING REPUBLICAN WHO LETS ME KEEP THE KEYS TO MY UTERUS. And that is not enough.

What’s wrong with his tweets? He has the right to defend himself on twitter if Kesha has the right to repeat allegations there.

Keep in mind this is an actual person, folks. Someone not only believed this, they believed it enough to type out this bewildering post and hit the “publish” button. Possibly with a smug, self-satisfied look on their face. Unless it’s a masterful troll, in which case, my hat is off.

intellectual authority

You forgot to finish your post with #Trump2016 but we can fill in the blank on our own.

I think she did a good job of calling out everyone.

I’m trying to figure out if I’m more put off by their piss-poor attempt at erotica or the dude’s panolpy of shitty tats.

Ya, that's what I said. :D

I get the feeling this couple would enjoy their AMAZING SEX LIFE a lot less if they weren’t able to share it with the world. To help them love as well as they do, of course. Because they are only motivated by true altruism, of course. No attention whoring here, none at all.

People that like hurting other people are generally considered bad people, whether they like hurting people in the bedroom or in the street. Its still the fact they like hurting people that’s the issue.

Thank god, a voice of sanity. Some people get turned on by racism, which you see all over porn, does that mean we should investigate the harms this might do to the wider community and particularly people of colour.