Dinosaur Rex

Yeah, he'll trick you, turn into an animal and rape you, get you pregnant by pissing in your face, or just enact some kind of weird punishment for really minor offenses.

Yeah, I agree. I like to rank them, too. But I'm quite certain that your rankings won't look like mine and I'm also certain that you are not wrong.

More like the start of world hunger, since all the monies will be spent on Valv-tendo things.

it's a Steam Machine

Miyamoto has dropped hints that it could happen. I really hope E3 is big for them again this year.

Super Mario Galaxy may just be my favorite game of the Wii generation. There's just something about it that makes it stand out that the subsequent 3D Land and 3D World games didn't quite manage to replicate.

Sure you can say it's better than 64, but it's easy when you're standing on the shoulders of such a giant.

The opposite also happens. In myth Eos asked Zeus to make her mortal lover Tithonus immortal. Zeus complied, but Eos forgot to ask for eternal youth. Tithonus got older and older but of course didn't die.

I quite prefer it over Galaxy, even conceding Galaxy is fantastic. The cool part about mainline Mario games is that you can say something like "Galaxy is better than 64" and you can't really argue. Because each game is so splendid in its own right that reasonable people can disagree which one is better without having

Sure, you can give up bacon and spare ribs and beer and sliders. But give up enough good food and you're dead inside. Is that really living?

Gotta be honest, when he describes the difference between Galaxy 1 and 2, I actually prefer the design in 1. Sure the design was more random and less, shall we say, progressive than 2, but to me that just means it's more unpredictable and increasingly exciting to play. In other games this could be considered lazy, but

I prefer Super Mario 64 for the sound and music direction. I liked Mario's lower pitch and almost immediate voice acting as opposed to the much higher pitched form that almost felt like he was having more fun than the player. XD

if i remember correctly, then you have just passed a lot of stages without a single star, there are tons of stars to get in time to that castle, i got stuck in the last scenario, of the last... world... *no spoiler*

Yeah, although it would make sense that could cut the wii u cycle short by a few years to sync the handheld and home console cycles. I struggle to find time for gaming these days, so this would suit me down to the ground.

I think it's like a Wii mini in size, at least twice the Wii U's power, PowerPC supporting APIs for backwards compatibility and a Gamepad with a bigger screen and more ergonomic controls. Also it'll allow your 3DS successor to be used as a gamepad as well. And since Nintendo wanted Sharp to build them donut shaped

If that's the case, it would have to be something new. I kinda hope they do that though. But it would really need to have plenty of processing power to make it viable at this point, we've seen the damage not having third parties can do.

- Part of a nuclear family and don't live with extended family (88%)


Just stick a board on your lap and put your mouse and keyboard there.

I swear to god, its like they're trying to cater to the pedobears. Jesus...