I don’t say this often, but that seems like the start of a good idea.
I don’t say this often, but that seems like the start of a good idea.
Now it is my fault that you don’t know how to express yourself properly, great.
lol this edgy kid
You forgot to tip your fedora.
You are missing a lot.
No shit, really.
Too many panels to explain that he killed his family.
Disregard this, my short term memory sucks right now.
Grow up, what do you mean by "founded" by the way?
although you can't use it while playing online
Take it easy~
You seem mad, misinformed and pretty stupid, don't you have anything else to do than making yourself look like an idiot?
Except he is right.
I would explode if that actually happened. Nintendo+Valve=The end of world hunger or something along those lines.
They seem confident enough to announce and announcement, so I guess they believe this new console won't hurt their current console's sales. But who knows, Nintendo makes so many weird decisions.
I wouldn't mind if Nintendo decided to release another Mario Galaxy, I don't need new mechanics or enemies, I just need more of it.
Hmm, you are right, but my human nature feels the need to rank them in my head, I guess I can already feel nostalgic about SMG and remember how great it felt the first time I traveled through space, landing in those tiny planets with their own gravity and omg, brb gotta play that game again.
Dayum, that almost makes me wants to play FF for the first time.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE SM64, at least once a year I plug my N64 and play the hell out of it, it blew my young mind when I first played it, it was like playing videogames for the first time again. But I feel SMG was build on top of it, and improved what was already great, and the visuals, how could 2 gamecubes and…