Dinosaur Rex

Tough, but fair.

And it's not like the birth of Leia and Luke was recorded in any of the empire's files. They had no citizenship or registration stuff. Leia was an unknown baby adopted by a senator while Luke is a unknown boy born on a planet outside the empire's power. It's not like Vader can go through the Space Facebook and look

It could be additionally hypothesized that since Anakin was the "child of prophecy" or whatever the Jedi mention in the prequels, that Luke is indeed a trap and Vader fullfils his destiny as the child of prophecy by killing the Emperor to save his son. Luke may indeed simply be a catalyst for the larger scope that is

Nintendo's history of douchey-ness continues. I just went through the process of getting a new 3DS transferred to my account after the old one was stolen. Nintendo's customer service was more painful than having the damn thing stolen in the first place.

Yeah, I find the amiibos disappointing as well. The downgrade in quality for the final production amiibos was bad enough. But on top of that, they barely have any function outside Smash Bros. Imagine how cool it would be if buying an amiibo could unlock a new character in Mario Kart 8 or Hyrule Warriors. Imagine

It was Sakurai.

I was actually thinking about how you insulted ZiddersRoofurry, I don't care about your opinions.

you are correct, everyone just thinks its great to be super 'politically correct' and get offended and everything.

You're pretty violent about your opinion. Must play a lot of those violent video games I keep hearing about...

It's hilarious how they act like every single game has women in bikini's when in reality it's something like 10% of games that are like that.

Yes mostly hot air

The PC police will never get it, sex sells and it's not going to change kids

... for some reason the first thing that came to mind when I saw/heard her was the WC3 NElf Dryad/DotA Enchantress...

LOVE this touch here.

I think this describes exactly why I'm so interested in it. I'm not a huge blizzard fan. I don't play any of their games, they just aren't my thing. I'm also not a big FPS player either. I don't get excited for the CoD's or the Battlefield's of the Halo's. Also just not (usually) my thing. I have been know to play a

Tracer is British, hence the Union Jack on her arm. Also the most annoying of them all.

Dont you get it? Seeing a bunch of physically fit, healthy, attractive people in video games is very emotionally damaging to the self-esteem of the legions of asthmatic, acne-scarred, social anxiety-crippled lardasses who play actually them.