Dinosaur Rex

Why even bother being in a relationship that won't last until the grave? Why waste your life on a tame, dysfunctional relationship that will eventually end in disappointment, when you could have something much better? Where both partners just give up and remain "friends," and usually not even mutually? There's a word

I love how much you said that there's Racing in it when there is no Racing mode.

You are not entitled to her vagina and she is not entitled to your friendship. If you both want different things from each other, the only solution is to move on.

Or Hell, just tie it into the parental controls somehow. Something other than this.

And yeah, I dunno.....Nintendo live in their own little world. It's a love/hate relationship sometimes.

Turns out I was completely wrong!

No Andross?

ZOMG, IRL Qurupeco. Next you're going to tell me it can strike the keratin nubs together like flints, and its quacks call larger, more annoying animals to fight for it.

"You talkin' to me...?"

Just play the most recent CoD and you will be able to say you've played all of them that will ever be made forever.

Since N64, you mean?

Not to mention how much the old arcade games actually looked the part.

The ability to cause controversy by their ranking and thus drive comments/clicks.

I think your friends probably suck at smash brothers.

What a downer...

Win against whom? Being able to win means very little to a game's balance without context. If you're playing against bad players (say, if you're playing online and are getting matchmade based on seldom playing), then of course you're going to win if you have decent game sense.

That wasn't sad. Watch the actual show for an occasional sad moment. This doesn't come close.

You are close Sherlock, but sadly wrong.

He will also know about the Avengers and Spiderman universes.