Dinosaur Rex

I hate to ruin the party but I'm making a comment about the content of the post instead of saying how much I like/dislike the show: This was freaking hilarious.

Wait for any Simpsons post to get your answer.

How is it about finding out who is better at "the game" when you've removed half of "the game?" Dealing with items and adapting on the fly is part of being good at Smash Bros.

This almost makes me want to hook up the Gamecube, and bust a few moves to this game.

Kinja! It just works!

Because you're a kid bashing his action figures together with an active imagination.

I have no context for this, I just wanted to give the comment section more Stitch.

Yes. It wants a 2ds XL.

Not sure what the "strawman" element is, but I find that the term "strawman" is getting increasingly misused on the Internet, so I guess it doesn't matter.

>Of course, some commenters just seemed to be piling on Nintendo for the sake of piling on Nintendo.

Yeah let's curb toxic human behavior with a strongly worded open letter. Good luck with that.

Didn't you know? More games = better platform.

Now playing

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the market that will bring about the demise of dedicated gaming handhelds.

I can remember when the Simpsons was actually funny, and the episodes actually had some meaning behind them. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

The video is wrong, the spanish translation for D'oh is D'oh, not Ouch....

Would be nice if these things were listed out, otherwise whats the point of reposting this?

Clearly it's link. look at that hat.

I agree. It's a dick thing to do. Just, for the record, it's not really a spoiler. People should not let this jerk spoil them from playing it. :)

I know how unrealistic, right? Why couldn't their arms been the size of regular mutant turtles?