Dinosaur Rex

I wouldn't mind if Nintendo decided to release another Mario Galaxy, I don't need new mechanics or enemies, I just need more of it.

Hmm, you are right, but my human nature feels the need to rank them in my head, I guess I can already feel nostalgic about SMG and remember how great it felt the first time I traveled through space, landing in those tiny planets with their own gravity and omg, brb gotta play that game again.

Dayum, that almost makes me wants to play FF for the first time.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE SM64, at least once a year I plug my N64 and play the hell out of it, it blew my young mind when I first played it, it was like playing videogames for the first time again. But I feel SMG was build on top of it, and improved what was already great, and the visuals, how could 2 gamecubes and

I bought it the day it came out, it looks beautiful and plays great, but it isn't as good as Super Mario Galaxy, fuck that game is so good that I even dare to say it is a better game than Super Mario 64.

Not only third parties but Nintendo itself, a gamepad/gameboy hybrid would be the most logical answer, but I don't know how they could make it work.

Yeah, I'm thinking about a Gamepad/portable hybrid, that would help the WiiU and would let them do the things they promised when they released the WiiU.

I want to think that is the case, I'm happy with the WiiU but I don't feel satisfied with it.

Didn't they mention that they wanted to create a home console that was also a portable console? Let's hope it works with the WiiU or many people will get mad.

Now let's just wait until they release a Gameboy/Cellphone hybrid.

It is a well known game.



Seriously, who the hell asked for so many babies?

Don't forget about BABY Daisy, what was Nintendo thinking.

I have never played a Mario RPG, besides Super Star Saga and I lost the cartridge before I finished it, you might be right.

I got it the first time though, she didn't have to tell me everytime I encountered her!

I only like the Smash Brothers Peach, which makes me like less the other Peaches.

"I'm Daisy"

He's not talking about the movie, he's talking about one great game.