Dinosaur Rex

They could've added a mute button, or a default "no online talk" so parents would shield their little kids, just like any other game does.

I was wrong too...AND IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!

I don't like talking while playing, but the reason Nintendo gives is pretty stupid, and seems that they did it to "protect" kids...again.

Well, that's new, I admit my error, and man, who would've thought they would do that much for smash brothers.

You can't have 2 adapters though, neither more than 4 wireless controllers connected at any time.

Like saif said, you can have the Gamepad, 4 wireless controllers and probably 4 gamecube controllers.

Most woman I know find him VERY attractive, like he is the best looking male ever, so I guess that's one reason.

She's annoyingly sexy, Bayonetta is one of those games I would never play while others are watching, just playing the demo made me feel weird, not in a bad way, but weird in a weird way.

What do you mean by "Pokemon x crossover", nice pics btw, the Mega Pikachu one looks great.

Yes, unless it is productive, but wasting time feels so damn good.

To think that such succesful franchise came from a deal that wasn't closed.

Oh, well, but I still find them annoyingly similar.

Damn that piano.

Yeah, I love those old weird cartoons, that would be a great idea, Mario doesn't talk that much anyways.

Yeah, sorry.

Classic Controller, google it.

They had analog sticks built into their primary controller since Gamecube.

This only makes it more clear that Miyamoto is OBSESSED with old cartoons, there are way too many parallels , I'll just point out a few:

Ha, sure.

I am, now what.