Dino Ironbody

I don't think Stewart has really changed much in the past 30 years so much as his natural audience has gotten more left leaning

I think it’s younger people who remain blissfully unaware of the day to day grind that was the GWB/ Dick Cheney years and the horrors of the post-911 mentality and the Iraq War Lies and gaslighting.

Mary Worth, Blondie, and Lois (from Hi and Lois) better be on the SNCSCU version of the Avengers.

And I still remember how everyone freaked the fuck out about it here.

I know, he likes to nap.  They shouldn’t have done that 🤔

This just confirms my opinion that people who do pranks on people are just assholes.

Thanks, I needed that XD

For his next trick, he’ll make these allegations disappear on live tv!

Yes, she was shown as cute and fun, with the only “insufferable” part from the male perspective that she was obsessed with fashion. Which to be fair is no worse than males being obsessed with sports, or Marvel movies, or whatever — it’s just that as it is “feminine” it is seen as lesser than male-associated obsessions.

No, because Anakin was redeemed in the end. I just don’t see that happening with Rudy.

I think it will show that her blood was filled with LSATichlorians, making it genetically inevitable that she would go to law school.

Someone really put the con in Wisconsin. 

*falls asleep*

That’s still the first thing that pops into my head when someone mentions any of the Matrix sequels

I still yell those words on occasion whenever someone starts talkin’ fancy.

That and the Jack Black as Spider-Man sketch were things I remember legitimately laughing at and wishing there was a way I could watch again without having to wait for a replay. If Youtube had been around then, i would have watched those a million times.

My favorite Roger Corman story is a simple one. And a fairly recent one.

Roger Corman made a movie in 1954 called The Fast and the Furious. When they settled on that title for the Vin Diesel movie, Corman and Universal worked out a deal; Corman would license the rights to the title to Universal if he was given access

Pass/fail? I think below 60 is typically an F.